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My Professional Blog,

FYI, I thought I'd mention that I have another blog that I'm working on but this one is purely professional. It's called and it's designed to provide information and resources on — you'll never believe it! — data literacy, or the ability to understand and work with data. (For a little more information on what data literacy is, you can also see a blog post on entitled "Clive Thompson on Why We Should Learn the Language of Data" or an excellent report on the related field of data science from the O'Reilly Radar.) Anyhow, as I'm trying to be professional and authoritative, here's a screenshot of my very clean and orderly web page:

Anyhow, it should be fun in its own little way (if you're in to that sort of thing, you know).



First Day of School

It's the first day of school for my 26th full year of formal education. Whee! My first class is FA3000: Design for the Net 1, taught by Martin Novak. (I'm going to see a lot of Martin this year.) One of the things that we're going to spend a lot of time on this semester is in creating a couple of web pages, which will be set up on the Fine Arts server for the semester. One will be a personal web page; that is, a page about us. The other will be on something else. Rather conveniently, I recently bought two domains: and DataLiteracy.Info. I haven't done anything with either one yet, so this class will give me an ideal opportunity to work on them. Very nice.

I was also scheduled to take FA3400: Digital Visual Effects later today with Rosi Hayes, but it looks like I'll need to skip that course so I can work on some other things that came up (specifically, the opportunity to create a new course for and the possibility of working with CIDAT).

Update: I have a draft version of that is temporarily housed on the Fine Arts server here at the U of U. Also, while I still own the domain DataLiteracy.Info, I also purchased for another WordPress blog; I'm actually making posts on that site.
