Chapter 16 of VJ Manzo's book Max/MSP/Jitter for Music, "Working with Live Video," is the first chapter to deal with Jitter, which is the video component of Max/MSP. This also makes it the first official chapter for my independent studies course with Lien Fan Shen of the Department of Film and Media Arts at the University of Utah. I'm excited because this part connects more directly with the work that I have done in Processing and with the Dance Loops project that I'm working on at Utah Valley University.

The exercises in this chapter all involved grabbing a live video stream from my computer's camera and then performing a series of color transformations on it, culminating with the use of a MIDI keyboard to do so. Fascinating!


  • Max/MSP/Jitter for Music, Ch. 16: Working with Live Video (11 exercises)
  • Patches can be downloaded from (Dead Link)
  • UPDATED LINK: Patches can now be downloaded from
